The Crown Jewel of Joseon City Wall Construction: Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon

Take a leisurely stroll around Hwaseong Fortress, Suwon. Its meticulously stacked gates and elegant walls

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Life’s Autumn and Winter on Canvas

Chuseongbudo (The Sound of Autumn) by KIM Hongdo, Sehando (Winter Scene) by KIM Jeonghui Two

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Safeguarding Cultural Heritage with Advanced Technology

In December 2023, as the year drew to a close, Gyeongbokgung Palace’s western gate, Yeongchumun,

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Face to Face with Cultural Heritage

Regular inspections of architectural heritage designated as national treasures and treasures Establishing a Research Base

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World Heritage at a Glance: Sabi Royal Palace

An Aerial View of the Sabi Royal Palace Sites Establishing a Research Base to Identify

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