Traces of Baekje Visible in Buyeo
Buyeo brims with traces of the Baekje dynasty, which is said to havecreated a rich
Uncovering the Past Hidden inCarbon
Radiocarbon dating using accelerator mass spectrometry Han Song-i (Senior researcher, Conservation Science Division)Illustrated by Lee
Portraying a Toad,a Small YetSignificantCreature
Celadon Toad-Shaped Byeoru with Paste-on-Paste Design (Treasure) Celadon Toad-Shaped Byeoru with Paste-on-Paste Design청자 퇴화문두꺼비모양 벼루
Conducting a National R&D Projectto Protect National Heritage fromClimate Change
Ongoing climate change is resulting in extreme weatherphenomena unexperienced in the past, which are adverselyaffecting
Unveiling theHistory of Gaya
Opening of the National Gaya History and Culture Center The Gaya Ancient Tombs, spanning both
UncoveringHidden Stories ofCultural Heritagethrough DigitalNon-DestructiveDiagnosis and 3DImage Analysis
Cultural heritage preserves multiple layers of storiesaccumulated for ages. Some of these stories are readilyrecognizable,