The South-North Korea Cultural Heritage Policy Forum was launched in 2019 to establish policies due to the expansion of inter-Korean cultural property exchange and cooperation. In its first year the forum covered the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) comprehensively over the span of six times. In particular, it contributed to the forming of future policies by discussing various opinions such as plan to inscribe the Korean DMZ as World Heritage to preserve it as space of peace. The topic of year 2020’s South-North Korean Cultural Heritage Policy Forum is ‘Understanding the North Korean National Heritage and Exchange/Cooperation Plan for South-North Cultural Heritage’, and the forum was held the total of 4 times (May, July, Sept. and Dec.). It discussed North Korea’s national heritage protection policy and awareness, similar cases to inter-Korean exchange and cooperation, diagnosis of the implementation system, and policy suggestions for the direction of inter- Korean cultural heritage exchange and cooperation. The Cultural Heritage Administration plans to collect various opinions raised at the Forum and reflect it in the establishment of policies necessary for future inter-Korean cultural heritage exchange and cooperation.

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