Digital Heritage Team
KWON Jeonghun
In December 2022, the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage(NRICH) established the “Digital Heritage Team” to effectively and systematically manage and utilize digital cultural heritage research data. The initiative aimed to create comprehensive mid to long-term plans, improve regulations, and enhance operation systems.
Collecting and Managing Cultural Heritage Research Data
Various digital research materials such as reports, photos, and drawings generated during the cultural heritage research process are collected and managed on the ‘Cultural Heritage Research Resources Platform.’ This platform is an intranet system accessible only to the employees of the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and has been in operation since April 1, 2023.

The system is currently storing 20 million records, which amounts to 100TB of digital research data. On an annual basis, an additional 1 million records, equaling 20TB of data, are expected to accumulate. The NRICH is planning to leverage big data and artificial intelligence(AI) technologies to further enhance research outcomes and provide advanced research results to the public.
Opening of Cultural Heritage Research Information
The “NRICH Research Portal”( provides public access to NRICH’s database of cultural heritage and over 370,000 research materials. In 2022, the website underwent a revamp to enhance its mobile-friendliness and simplify the menu, making it easier to navigate. By the second half of 2023, new services such as Cultural Heritage VR Viewing and a High-Quality Photo Exhibitions will be launched, along with upgraded search and statistical analysis functions.