In April this year, the NRICH and the Korean Ancient Historical Society co-hosted an online academic conference entitled “Partnership for the Future: Expanding the Reach of Archaeology through Natural Scientific Analyses.”
This event was held to celebrate the opening of the NRICH Cultural Heritage Analysis Information Center. The keynote speech was delivered under the title “The Past, Present, and Future of Archaeological Science,” a title that suggests how archaeology and conservation science go hand-in-hand in enriching our understanding of human culture and history. During the conference, diverse findings from interdisciplinary research between archaeology and conservation science were shared through six presentations, namely “The Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains and Associated Archaeological Applications,” “Radiocarbon Dating and the Archaeology of the Bronze age,” “The Analysis of Earthenware and the Study of Prehistoric and Ancient Societies,” “The analysis of Bronze Artifacts and the Study of Prehistoric and Ancient Cultures,” “The Analysis of Organic Residues and Past Human Activities,” and “Several Approaches to Investigating Ancient Diets.”
Using this event as a catalyst, NRICH will strive to build a shared understanding among researchers not only in archaeology and conservation science but also in a wide range of other fields so that they can form meaningful partnerships for a better future.

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