Fabric Mudguard Decorated with Flower Petals with Buprestidae, a Bundle of Hair, and Samsaik- Kyeonggeum Have Been Restored
A preview was held to showcase the results of the excavation of Tomb No. 44 in the Jjoksaem District, Gyeongju, presumed to belong to a Silla royal princess. On July 4, the Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage presented additional artifacts unearthed from Silla Tomb No. 44 at the Seorabeol Cultural Center Hall in Gyeongju. Through meticulous research and scientific analysis, the institute has successfully restored the fabric mudguard adorned with flower petals and buprestidae, the hairstyle of the buried individual, as well as the fabrics employed in gilt-bronze ornaments. Notably, through an extensive 1,350-day excavation endeavor, the complete architecture and construction process of the stone- mounded wooden chamber in Tomb No. 44 at Jjoksaem has been successfully reconstructed.